It’s a fine Midwestern morning, a perfect day for a book chat. This week’s guest is author Linda O’Connor, who writes romantic comedy. Grab your drinks and pull up a chair.
Linda, it’s so nice to meet you. Would you like coffee or something else to drink?
LOC: I like my coffee best when it’s mixed into a dense chocolate cake. It deepens the chocolate flavor – yum! :D I’ll have a raspberry smoothie instead.
Ally: Lol. My magic pot can make anything, so that raspberry smoothie will be ready in a moment. You just have time to tell readers something about yourself.

Award-winning author Linda O’Connor started writing romantic comedies when she needed a creative outlet other than subtly rearranging the displays at a local home décor store. Her books have enjoyed bestseller status. When not writing, she’s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic. She shares her medical knowledge in fast-paced, well-written, sexy romances – with an unexpected twist. Her favorite prescription to write? Laugh every day. Love every minute.
Something unique that’s not in your regular bio: “I love to dance. I don’t have any formal dance training, but I pretty much dance every day even if it’s just wiggling my butt while I vacuum or do dishes.”
Author Contacts:
Website: http://www.lindaoconnor.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaOConnorAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindaOConnor98
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Linda-OConnor/e/B00S7CNLEA
Newsletter Sign up: http://www.lindaoconnor.net/contact/
Ally: Let’s get started by asking why you decided to write novels?
LOC: I’m a physician, and I started writing because I wanted to find a fun way to disseminate medical information and to educate and empower readers to take ownership of their health. Targeting a female audience with romance novels seemed like a good idea because women are usually the ones who see a doctor. (Males typically only go when a girlfriend/partner/spouse/mom encourages them to do so. :D) I write romantic comedies because I love being in a fun headspace when I’m writing. Plus, laughter is essential to great health!
Ally: Where do you find your story ideas?
LOC: Everywhere! News stories, headlines, lyrics of songs, watching people, and listening to snippets of conversation all inspire my imagination. Even my own quirky characteristics, like wanting to know the ending of a movie or a book, or judging drivers by the color of their car have ended up in a story. Delivering a baby (well I’ve delivered a few, but delivering my nephew when I didn’t expect to) crept into my writing in Perfectly Honest. I love the challenge of creating the storyline and figuring out how I’m going to make things happen - with humor and a bit of the unexpected thrown in.
Ally: Do your characters come to you fully formed with names and backgrounds?
LOC: I usually come up with the storyline first – what the beginning, middle, and end of the story look like and then I start to ponder the characters. I try to have a pretty good sense of them, and I can’t start writing until I’ve nailed down their names. The male names are the hardest because I have 3 sons, and they have a lot of friends. The name can’t remind me of anyone I know.
Ally: What inspired you to write the book we're featuring today?
LOC: Time for the Doctor was a fun project. I joined a group of nine other authors and we all wrote a romance set in Copper Mills, Arizona. I loved the idea of characters from the other books popping in for a visit and readers getting to know and love the small town.
Ally: Stepping away from writing for a moment... if you could have any supernatural power or ability, what would it be? Why?
LOC: The ability to teleport would be very cool! Worrying about icy roads, delayed flights, and long train rides would be a thing of the past. What a time saver and imagine not having to find a parking space, ever. I can dig it.
Ally: Are you ready for a few short answer questions?
- a. An item on your bucket list: I’d like to see the Aurora borealis.
- b. Favorite place to write: Outside
- c. Something unique in your handbag: A CPR keychain with a mask and gloves
- d. Fav accessory: Earrings (because I can make them!)
- e. High heels or sneakers: Definitely sneakers
- f. Fav quote: It ain’ t no use putting up your umbrella till it rains. Alice Caldwell Rice (So simple, but excellent advice – don’t be worrying about something that may not happen!)

Genre: Medical Romantic Comedy
Heat rating 16+
Come visit Copper Mills, Arizona - a small town with a heart as big as the wide-open spaces and a history of making dreams come true.
Dr. Tash Bannon, the only internist at Copper Mills General Hospital, is a workaholic. After a couple of patient complaints, the board of directors realizes Tash needs a break and “suggests” he take a three-month vacation.
Dr. Melissa Sinclair is a single mom, and her adopted son comes first in her life. She’s used to the hustle of a big city hospital but takes the job to cover for Tash hoping to expose her son to his Hopi ancestry during their time in Copper Mills.
Tash resents having to take time off – and has an even harder time staying away now that Melissa is around. Now he just has to decide which is more important: his job or Melissa?
Make time for the doctor…especially if she’s the love of your life.
Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JLKJK3F
Trailer Link: https://youtu.be/852yLUtDjQ8