Arianna: Other than trying to keep Rayne from inadvertently burning the house down? :) I recently went through my family trunk and found a photo of my parents on their boat. It got me to wondering exactly what happened to them. I've been thinking about looking into that...
Andreas: Plans are already drawn for a hotel in Olde Town that caters to Otherworld clientele. Building and managing it will be a new challenge for me.
Ryan: Definitely a larger home. Claris tells me our family is growing again. :)
Gabriel: An extended trip to London is top on my list. And I need a new girlfriend. Maybe it's time to get serious this time.

Kam: I'm loving the security business. Since we can pick and choose our jobs, Seth and I almost always have joint assignments. It gives us a chance to explore the world together. I can't think of a thing I'd change right now!
Seth: Don't tell Kam I said this, but I'm hoping a child is in our future. Maybe not this year, but in the next two or three.
Rhyden: I've been working with King Trystan to set up guilds in Cyrilia. I hope to have them well-established before the end of next year. Oh, and getting married, of course.
Esty: The wedding. Next December 18! Mother and I have already chosen the silk for my dress.

To keep writing. I hope to introduce new characters, Maggie and Josh, in another paranormal series. And maybe this is the year I'll do something with the thrillers! :)
Whatever your specific goals and resolutions, we wish you and yours a terrific and successful 2016, filled with many wonderful books. Happy New Year!