Good Morning, Booklovers!
It’s my birthday, and I thought this would be as good a time as any to do something a little different. A friend recently asked me why I don't talk about myself or my writing on the blog. And I guess she's right, except I promote each book when it's released, and there is a biography you can read. But I've never answered the kind of questions I ask guest authors.
I'm going to remedy that today. I’ve taken the list of questions I send to others, made my selections, and answered as honestly as I could. I hope you enjoy this brief interruption in normal programming. (Regular author interviews will be back next week.)
I have my mug of coffee - black, of course - so here goes...
Q: What do you find most rewarding about a writing career? Most negative or frustrating?
Ally: Writing itself is basically fun for me. Of course seeing the first book in online bookstores and holding the first print version were huge thrills. And even better was hearing someone say, “I really loved your book.” Let me tell you, folks, it never, ever gets old.
The most negative or frustrating? The marketing and the struggle to get reviews. Many authors - like me - have no head or taste for sales. I’d prefer just to write, but the crowded book field means a lot of marketing is necessary just to get your novels seen. (You can help your favorite authors to keep their books coming, faster and longer, by writing reviews online. Access to many marketing avenues depends on how many reviews each book has. And publishers love books and series with lots of reviews!) (for another author's article on the importance of reviews, click here.)
Q: What are your reading habits? Favorite genres. Books read per month, year? Print or ebooks? Current favorites?
Ally: I have been an avid reader all my life. I still average two to four books a week, depending on my current writing schedule, and too often I substitute reading for sleeping.
I read fantasy, of course - who can resist adventures like Tolkien? - urban fantasy, and several subgenres of mystery. I rarely read straight romance, but love when it's added to other genres, such as JD Robb’s In Death series. I own five Kindles and have quit adding to my print library (the shelves are already full). My current favorite series is C.S. Harris’s Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries, but I can’t wait for the next book of Anderle’s scifi/urbanfantasy Kurtherian Gambit/Endgame series.
Q: Do you prefer to read standalones or series books? Is it the same for writing?
Ally: Nine times out of ten I look for a series to read. Once I get invested in the characters, I want to read everything I can about them. And yes, it is the same for writing. I fall in love with my characters, they become like old friends, and I'm interested in knowing what happens in their lives, including how they’ll react to any obstacles I put in their path. :)
Q: If your house was burning (your family and pets are already out safe), what one thing would you try to save? Why?
Ally: I bet you thought I’d say my kindles, right? But no, I could buy those again. I’d grab my two portable fire safes. One has my important legal documents (that’s the lawyer side of me), the other has precious old family photos and genealogy info that is irreplaceable. I want my kids and grandkids and their children to know their heritage.
Q: You’re thrown through a black hole into an unknown world, what book hero would you want with you? Why?
Ally: From my own books, it would be Andreas. I’m afraid I’m still smitten with the master vampire prince. He would be a clever, resourceful partner in handling any situations we faced in the new world.
From other books, I’d go all the way back to Aragorn from Tolkien’s Trilogy. He is such a strong, confident character, a reluctant hero who takes up the sword to save the world knowing the odds are against him. My kinda guy.
Q: What is your favorite social media?
Ally: Twitter by far. I love the immediacy and its worldwide reach. I promote the blog on Twitter every day, converse with friends, and make contact with readers. It’s my daily dose of feel good. And I keep it that way. All the garbage and nastiness that sometimes goes on gets blocked by me. :) You can find me here: @ShieldsAlly.
Q: What is your next writing project? Anticipated release date?
Ally: Good question. Wish I had a good answer! Two things have happened: my publisher is concentrating on romance, and I’ve been writing in a new genre - historical Regency mystery. I have two books drafted but not finished in that genre. When the manuscripts are ready in a couple of months, I will look for an appropriate publisher or maybe consider self-publishing. Both routes have advantages.
But just when I thought I was taking a break from fantasy, I woke up with a new urban fantasy story in my head yesterday morning. Who knows where my muse may take me next?
Q: Which short answer questions did I chose to answer out of the 27 possibilities on the list?
Ally: It was hard to pick just five...so I fudged with six:
- a. an author (living or dead) you'd love to take to lunch: Vince Flynn (taken too soon by cancer). I loved his Mitch Rapp thrillers.
- b. the supernatural character that got you hooked on the genre of urban fantasy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and ironically, master vampire Jean-Claude from Laurell K Hamilton’s Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake series)
- c. a movie you’ll always remember: Dead Poets’ Society (1989)
- d. a little known fact about you: I have a concealed carry permit that I've never used.
- e. last time you rode a train (not subway): 15 years ago. A friend and I took the train from Washington, DC to NYC. (First time I rode a train I was only five. My father worked for the railroad.)
- f. color of nail polish you have on: Crystal Pink - on my toes!
Hope to see you next week!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/13LH078
Kobo: http://bit.ly/18unCxl