Pull up a chair and meet mystery writer Matt Cost, featuring Mainely Angst, book four of his Mainely Mystery Series.
Welcome, Matt! How do you take your coffee?
MC: I drink it with gourmet flavored creamer. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but this is one weakness that I struggle to go without.
Ally: Any easy request. While I get our mugs ready, please tell readers something about yourself.
Matt Cost is the highly acclaimed, award-winning author of the Mainely Mystery series. The first book, Mainely Power, was selected as the Maine Humanities Council Read ME fiction book of 2020. This was followed by Mainely Fear and Mainely Money. Mainely Angst is the fourth book of the series.
I Am Cuba: Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution was his first traditionally published novel. He had another historical released in August of 2021, Love in a Time of Hate.
Wolfe Trap was the first in the Clay Wolfe Port Essex Trap series. This was followed by Mind Trap and Mouse Trap. Honey Trap is the fourth book in the series.
Cost was a history major at Trinity College. He owned a mystery bookstore, a video store, and a gym, before serving a ten-year sentence as a junior high school teacher. In 2014 he was released and began writing. And that’s what he does. He writes histories and mysteries.
Cost now lives in Brunswick, Maine, with his wife, Harper. There are four grown children: Brittany, Pearson, Miranda, and Ryan. A chocolate Lab and a basset hound round out the mix. He now spends his days at the computer, writing.
Something unique/unusual that isn't in your regular bio: “I once had to go to the ER because I put a pebble up my nose while watching a house fire and had not yet learned how to blow my nose. This wasn’t recently.”
Author Contacts:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 751-5387
Twitter: @MattCost8
Ally: Who or what inspired your featured book?
MC: Mainely Angst was spawned in the division that has become our country. Politics and a pandemic have polarized the U.S. in many ways, and tempers are hot. The question I posed to myself is—what would happen if a match were thrown upon the tinder that is our country at the current time.
Ally: What is the hardest part of writing? Explain.
MC: I’ve had this question posed to me many a time and have come up with one answer or another that sounds hollow. I have come to the recent realization that no part of the process is the hardest. I enjoy all facets of the process. I know that many people have trouble getting started. I believe that once begun, half done, and you just do it. I love the creation of the story, the middle glue leading you to the climax, and the euphoria of completion. Then comes the editing, which makes everything better, so what’s not to like? And of course, marketing it and promoting it so people will read it. I also like this business aspect. So, yes, I like and believe that there is no ‘hardest’ part to the writing process.
Ally: If you could live in a fictional setting of your choosing for the next six months, where would it be? Explain where the setting came from and why you chose it.
MC: I am currently writing a book set in Brooklyn in 1923. This would be my choice. What a fabulous time period and place to be. Jazz and blues are raging from Harlem down to Brooklyn. Movies are starting to fill the theaters. The beach and amusement park in Coney Island has peaked. Famous people walking the streets of Brooklyn and New York City are Dorothy Parker, Coleman Hawkins, Mae West, Mamie Smith, Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky, and Babe Ruth. And these are just the people I’ve put into the first ten thousand words.
Ally: Tell us about your reading habits. Current favorites?
MC: I have been reading many New England authors as of late. Favorites include authors BJ Magnani, S. Lee Manning, Kevin St. Jarre, Bruce Robert Coffin, Dick Cass, Gerry Boyle, and so many more.
Ally: What is your next writing project? Anticipated release date?
MC: I have book three and four of my Clay Wolfe/Port Essex series slated for release this year. Mouse Trap will be published in April and Honey Trap in September. The actual work in progress is a historical PI novel set in 1923 Brooklyn. Brooklyn Eight Ballo will be released in December of 2022.
Ally: Which of the trivia questions did you answer?
- Book you're currently reading: The Last Speaker of Skalwegian by David Gardner
- An author (living or dead) you'd love to take to lunch: Carl Hiaasen
- Best place you’ve ever visited: Iceland, Paris, and Cuba stand out as the top three.
- If you couldn't write anymore, what would you want to do? Write
- How long does it take you to write a book? I am writing three to four books a year
Genre: Mystery/PI
In Cost’s fourth installment in the Mainely Mystery series, Mainely Angst, Langdon is hired to find a kidnapped boy. A man with a Salvador Dali mask threatens to execute the lad if the governor of Maine doesn’t ease up business restrictions and mask requirements due to the pandemic.
Goff Langdon leads an ideal life in Brunswick, Maine. Happily married, good friends, mystery bookstore owner, PI, and a dog—the way life should be. And then angst erupts disturbing everything and threatening not only the way of life, but life itself.
“Somebody stole my wife,” the man said. Did Annika Morin leave her husband or was she taken?
“I was sexually harass’ by my boss and then fire’ when I refused his advances.” Raven’s dark eyes flashed a promise of anger and vengeance.
Local brew pub owner Rick Strong is accused of sexual harassment, which seems likely, but is he guilty of much more? Or is it entirely fabricated?
“Where is my boy?” Jill asked, her words anguished.
And then the boy is abducted, and the kidnapper attempts to hold the entire state hostage. If the governor refuses their demands, the kidnapper promises to execute the child on Halloween.
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