Greetings, Rosemary! What can I get you to drink?
RM: When I’m out and about I enjoy café lattes. At home I drink roibus tea and herb teas many of them made with fresh herbs from my garden.
Ally: Since I think this qualifies as "out and about," I'll whip up that latte. :) In the meantime, please show readers your bio.

I was born in Sidcup Kent. As a child, when not making up stories, my head was ‘always in a book.’
While working in a travel agency, I met her Hindu husband. He encouraged me to continue my education at Westminster College. In 1961 I and her husband, now a barrister, moved to his birthplace, Kenya, where I lived from 1961 until 1982. After an attempted coup d’état, I and four of my children lived in an ashram in France.
Back in England, I wrote historical fiction, joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association, Historical Novel Society and Watford Writers and online groups.
To research, I read non-fiction, visits museums and other places of historical interest.
My bookshelves are so crammed with historical non-fiction, which I use to research my novels, that if I buys a new book I have to consider getting rid of one.
I am the author of Sunday’s Child, False Pretences and Monday’s Child, to be published in spring 2016, which are set in the Regency era, Tangled Love, Far Beyond Rubies and The Captain and The Countess set in Queen Anne Stuart’s reign – 1702-1714.
At the moment, I am revising a mediaeval novel set in the reign of Edward II of England and writing Tuesday’s Child, a follow on novel from Sunday’s Child and Monday’s Child.
Apart from writing,I enjoy time with my family, classical Indian literature, reading, vegetarian cooking, growing organic fruit, herbs and vegetables and creative crafts.
And you asked for something unusual - During the school holidays my family headed to Diani on the Kenya Coast. We stayed in a beach cottage 20 miles from the main road. At that time there were only two hotels and few tourists. We enjoyed time on the beach and swam in the warm Indian Ocean.
Contact the author:
To view book trailers & read extracts from my novels please visit www.rosemarymorris.co.uk Thank you, I will be happy to hear from you.
RM: The Captain and The Countess is set in the reign of Charles II’s niece, Queen Anne Stuart, who reigned from 1702 to 1714. The first reason I chose it is because few novels are set in this interesting era in which the Duke of Marlborough won the War of Spanish Succession. If he had not, the history of the United Kingdom would have been different and the course of world history would have been affected.
Ally: Do you fill out character sheets and detail the backgrounds of your MCs before you begin writing? How thorough do you get? I've known writers who spend days filling events from birth to adulthood, including school they attended, etc.
RM: Before I begin a novel I must name the hero and heroine. I then need to get to know them so I complete a detailed character profile which includes things such as family, education, likes, dislikes, religion and ‘what makes them tick’. This means that when I begin the novel I also fill in short character profiles for the other protagonists. I also consult the zodiac to strengthen the character profiles.
Ally: Have you suffered from Writer's Block or Writer's Procrastination? How did you get beyond it? Any other tips for motivation?
RM: I have neither suffered from Writer’s Block nor Writer’s Procrastination. I ward off Writer’s Block by planning my next novel before I finish my latest one. To avoid Writer’s Procrastination I adhere to a daily routine unless I am ill or it is Christmas Day.
Ally: What would you like to try writing that you haven't done? Will that be your next project or are you already working on something else?
RM: I would like to write fantasy fiction but I am now working on Tuesday’s Child a follow on novel from my Traditional Regency Romances Sunday’s Child and Monday’s Child. (By traditional I mean that I don’t open wide the hero and heroine’s bedroom door.) I am also revising a mediaeval novel set in the reign of Edward II.
Ally: Let's finish up with a few quick answer questions:
- a. Favorite time of day to write: I usually wake up at 6 a.m and write until 10 a.m. with a break for breakfast.
- b. Favorite comfort food: I’m partial to dark chocolate.
- c. If you could live anywhere for the next year, where would it be? Nowhere other than my house because it is close to my family. If it were not, I would live in Woolacombe Bay in Devonshire.
- d. Would you be more likely to go camping, bar hopping, or visit a museum? Visit a museum.
- e. What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator or freezer? Drained cooked turnip greens to which I added a vegetable soup stock cube, waited for it to melt, and then added a tin of drained black eyed beans. Delicious with a squeeze of lemon and flatbread.
Ally: It was a delight to have a visitor from over the pond. I hope you'll drop by again! Before you go, let's take a peek at your book...

By Rosemary Morris
London. 1706
Why does heart-rending pain lurk in the back of the wealthy Countess of Sinclair’s eyes?
Captain Howard’s life changes forever from the moment he meets Kate, the intriguing Countess and resolves to banish her pain.
Although the air sizzles when widowed Kate, victim of an abusive marriage, meets Edward Howard, a captain in Queen Anne’s navy, she has no intention of ever marrying again.
However, when Kate becomes better acquainted with the Captain, she realises he is the only man who understands her grief and can help her to untangle her past.
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/zGAgF7S-834
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