I'm pleased to introduce you to children's writer, Kath Boyd Marsh, with her debut novel, The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard. (PSST: She's also my critique partner!)
Welcome, Kath! How do you take your coffee?
KATH: Oooh. I’ve gone crazy over iced. So whatever you have brewed, if you can pour it over ice and add some milk, any kind... Yum!
Ally: Talk about easy. Okay, while I take care of that, please introduce yourself to readers.
Kath Boyd Marsh, born a fourth generation Californian, roamed the USA and came to stay in the magical BlueGrass of Kentucky. Here she writes in an office filled with dragons. Her debut novel took a mere two decades and a multitude of drafts to find a publisher. But Kath, Cl’rnce Merlin Clan Principus Dr’gons, and Moire Ain would not give up.
Something unique/unusual not in your regular bio: "Hmmm. When my family lived in Portsmouth, RI for a year, they leased a colonial farmhouse complete with ghosts. Two of which hung out in my bedroom each night. The poltergeist hung out in the hallway and kept shutting my sister’s bedroom door despite the heavy cast-iron iron holding it open. Well, it also played with the windows in the sitting room downstairs."
Author contacts:
Website: kathboydmarshauthor.com
Blog: http://Kath-lettersfromearth.blogspot.com
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @kmarshfen
Ally: So tell readers what you like to write?
KATH: I write fantasy for Middle Grade and Young Adult. My debut novel is for Middle Grade 8-14 years old.
Ally: What influenced you to choose children's fiction rather than adult?
KATH: LOL!!! I don’t think I ever grew up. Getting into a child kind of state is far easier than adult.
Ally: Where do you get your plots? Probably not from headline news.
KATH: Good question. Characters just pop into my head. Great and Mighty Wizard from this debut novel found me first. And as her adventures unfolded, she found Cl’rnce. But as you can tell from the book, Cl’rnce tends to take over.
Ally: Have you always wanted to be a published author? How did you go from hobby writer to publication?
KATH: I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to write. I’d say it started for sure in high school, sitting in the library on Quantico Marine Corps Base. An old fashioned room with good reading chairs. Sitting lost in science fiction alternating with gothic romance, I never wanted to leave those worlds. What better way than to write? To open the gates to those worlds in my head.
I thought I could do it. But my senior year in a new high school, I was rejected for membership in the Literary club. I am a contrary person. Don’t tell me what you won’t let me do, because I will definitely die trying to do just that. Do you suppose all those club members are authors now? I wonder. Lol.
Ally: What's your next writing project?
KATH: Boy, another good question. I have a few in mind. One with a Gargoyle. And one with a pair of ghosts and a desperate author.
Ally: How about a few quick answer questions?
- a. favorite pastime when not writing or reading: Eating Cheezits and Cherry Coke. Wait, I mean photography. I take the photos for our dog’s blog (found here).
- b. what kind of books do you read? Anything good. But right now I’m absorbed in mysteries. Would it be tacky to say I’m itching to get hold of your next book?
- c. favorite dessert: Cheesecake. Plain. From the Black Pearl in Newport, RI. I have no idea if The Black Pearl is haunted like the house we lived in, but their cheesecake is so rich decades later I have not forgotten.
- d. a place you'd love to visit, real or fictional: Four. Scotland, Ireland, Antartica, and Mars. If I only get one: Mars. Did I mention Podcayne of Mars is my favorite book?
- e. pets (domestic or wild): Starting with the pushy domestic pets :NikkiCat dictates the 5 am wake up time and sits in the office nagging me to write. Rufus, our fox hound, rules my husband. Each morning deer and turkeys wait in our front woods staring in my office window for the morning shelled corn and sunflower seeds. While they are not tamed, and I don’t want them to be, they do allow me to get within a few yards, as long as I come bearing corn and seed.
Ally: Thanks for visiting with us, Kath, and allowing my readers to meet you too. I hope you'll get that next book going soon. :) In the meantime, please show us your children' fantasy officially released last weekend.
For Cl’rnce, a perfect day would involve a nap, another nap, followed by dinner, and a nap. So what if he’s the only dr’gon his age without a wizard partner or the ability to fly? That sounds like work, and Cl’rnce is opposed to all forms of work.
Moire Ain, on the other hand, has never known anything except miserable, soul-crushing work. She has lived her whole life as a virtual slave to the evil Hedge Witch. When Moire Ain overhears Hedge Witch plot to have Moire Ain kill a king, the girl runs away with only a magic book, her pet raven, and a dream of someday becoming a Great and Mighty Wizard.
Moire Ain hasn’t even been gone a full day when she stumbles across an irritated Cl’rnce. Grudgingly, Cl’rnce has accepted a quest, and he now finds himself footsore, hungry, and trapped in a tree by a dragon slaying knight. With a bumbled spell, Moire Ain manages to save Cl’rnce’s life. Unimpressed, Cl’rnce tries to get rid of the little wanna-be wizard so he can get back to his interrupted nap.
However, Moire Ain has gotten a glimpse of a way to free herself from Hedge Witch for the rest of her life. Convinced now that she would make an excellent wizard partner, despite the bumbled spells, Moire Ain invites herself along on Cl’rnce’s adventure.
Kirkus review: "This debut novel features a lazy dragon (called a “Dr’gon”) and a fugitive wannabe wizard in a comic fantasy... A charmer."
EXCERPT: Click here.
Buy links:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2aFwBpO
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/2aaHO0r
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2a4qD1G
Indigo Music and Bookst: http://bit.ly/29UX6KY