It finally feels like Spring in the US Midwest, and I have the deck door open today! Nice change, but I know Winter isn't quite done with us yet. Another cool weekend is predicted. Fortunately, it's always a good time for book talk. And this week's guest author is multi-genre writer, Ammar Habib.
Nice to meet you, Ammar. May I pour you a cup of coffee or something else?
AH: I’m honestly not a coffee drinker! I’ve never even tried it (crazy, right?). Instead, I start off my mornings with some good vitamins and juice to get me going.
Ally: I can do juice! While I pour you a glass and refill my coffee mug, please introduce yourself to readers.

Ammar Habib is a bestselling and award winning author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining, but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.
Something most readers don't know about you: "One interesting note I’ve recently discovered is that I am actually not the first writer in my family! My great-grandfather on my maternal grandmother’s side was a writer while living in Pakistan in the late 1940s and 1950s. Then, my maternal grandmother was also a writer in Pakistan. So I guess it’s a family trade now!"
Author Links:
Author Website: www.ammarahsenhabib.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ammarahsenhabib
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmmarAHabib1 @AmmarAHabib1
Blog: www.ammarhabibblog.wordpress.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Ammar_Habib
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ammar.a.habib/ @Ammar.A.Habib
Ally: I'd like to start by talking about what kind of books you write.
AH: My genres are pretty diverse. I started off mainly writing in the action/thriller category. I have now had works published in the historical fiction, inspirational, light romance, poetry, and children’s genres. I am currently branching out into narrative non-fiction, young adult, and comic book writing as well! The heat rating is minimal, outside of some innocent romance.
Ally: Who is the main character in the book you're featuring today, and why is he so interesting?
AH: The main character of my Dark Guardian Series is Ethan Daniels. He’s a darker, anti-hero type vigilante who kicks a lot of butt everywhere he goes! Ethan is definitely a three-dimensional character, each novel—and even the short stories—containing a complete arc for his character development. I believe readers have taken a liking to him because although he is this amazing fighter and tactician, his internal battles are things that most people go through every day. For example, in the first novel, he’s fighting the battle of whether or not he will let his past dictate his future. That’s a battle I think a lot of people fight and is something that makes readers care about Ethan’s outcome.
Ally: You're a young writer. Were you an "overnight success" or were there pitfalls on your way to publication?
AH: I have had a pretty interesting journey ever since entering the industry in 2012. It actually took me over 300 submissions before landing a publisher for my first novel, Dark Guardian. However, when it came out, it received tremendous success and was the 2nd highest 2014 seller for the publisher that year (I guess that’s a testament to the power of persistence).
I also experienced several hundred turn-downs from agents before finally getting the attention of my first and still-current agent. It was worth it all in the end because the agent I got is amazing and one of the most delightful people I know.
Whenever I’m asked for advice by new authors, I always share the famous quote from Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never give up!”
Ally: Why did you choose writing as a career?
AH: The one main thing that acted as a catalyst for my writing was my 2nd Grade Teacher at AP Beutel Elementary, Mrs. Scott. When I was in her class years ago, she gave me a homework assignment to write a one-page story. This was the first time I ever wrote anything. That experience breathed the love of writing into me and I’ve never stopped since!
My great-grandfather was a writer after his career as a police officer in India ended. My maternal grandmother was also a writer, having some of her works published in the newspaper. Although my own mother was not a writer, she has her Master’s degree in Fine Art. So I think this artistic capability probably runs in the family.
Ally: Which of your books is your personal favorite? Why?
AH: This will definitely sound like a politically correct answer, but I can’t point to one project and say that it was the most fulfilling. There has not been one novel or short story I’ve written that was more fulfilling than another. Each holds its own merits because I give each one of them a piece of me.
Of those seven novels I’ve written, three were collaborations. Each of my collaborators had very different personalities, so each was a very unique experience in and of itself. And with each of those collaborations, I learned a lot since they were so different. That’s one of the reasons I can’t point to one project as the most fulfilling.
However, one thing I will say is that an author’s first work always seems to be the dearest to them. At least, that’s what I’ve experienced. Although I’ve matured greatly since writing my first novel, Dark Guardian, and have become a much better writer, that project and series still mean a lot to me. I’ve never truly been in love, but I’d imagine it’s the same kind of emotion a person would feel about their first romance.
One thing I like to say is that my next work will be my biggest yet! That thought process keeps my head in the game and hopeful for a brighter future, God-Willing.
Ally: What is your next writing project? Anticipated release date?
AH: My latest release (February 24, 2018) was a police novel I wrote with a friend of mine who is a former undercover narcotics officer. The title of the novel is Ana Rocha: Shadows of Justice.
Outside of that novel, I actually have quite a few projects in different stages of development. I recently signed a contract for a children’s picture book, which will be releasing next year. My agent is shopping around a Young Adult novel and is also shopping around a non-fiction project of mine. I also have a graphic novel being read by some publishers. So 2018 will be very exciting!
Ally: Let's finish with a few short answer questions that tell us more about you.
- a. an author (living or dead) you'd love to take to lunch: Og Mandino. He has passed away now, but was one of my inspirations for becoming a writer, and I’d love to pick his brain.
- b. favorite movie: Hands down, it’s The Last Samurai. I love that movie from the characters to setting to plot to theme. The ending still gets me on the edge of tears, even though I’ve watched this movie many times. This film was actually the inspiration for the graphic novel script I recently wrote.
- c. Do you believe in love at first sight? It hasn’t happened to me yet, but I’m a believer!
- d. What comes to you first - character or plot? Nine times out of ten, it’s character. I like to build my characters around themes, and then build my plots around character. Doing it that way for me has helped me build three-dimensional characters with strong arcs.
- e. last book that made you cry: I’m not a big crier by any means, but The Twelfth Angel by Og Mandino gets me every time!!
Ethan Daniels is The Guardian, a dangerous vigilante who will come to be feared by Crown City's criminals and corrupt. Reborn through fire, he is armed with advanced skills, an arsenal of weaponry, and vast resources. His sights are focused on one thing, and nothing will stop him. Soon, he will rise from vigilante to hero. And from hero to legend.
For the past four years, everyone thought Ethan Daniels was dead and gone. But now he is back with a vengeance. Following the gruesome death of his adopted sister at the hands of a merciless gang, there is nothing he wants more than revenge. He can't sleep. He can't think. All he hears are her cries and all he sees is her death.
Ethan comes home to take on one of the world’s most notorious crime lords in his bid for revenge. Using his vast resources, advanced skills, and an arsenal of weaponry, Ethan dons the mask of a vigilante and wages a one-man-war against the crime lord’s empire. However, he doesn't expect a reunion with Katrina, the girl he loved as a boy. After multiple reencounters with her, Ethan's resolve begins to waver as he is forced to realize that he can't have both love and vengeance. Retribution exacts a price while fate—well, she has plans of her own.
Following the events of Dark Guardian, Ethan Daniels has fully embraced his alter ego of The Guardian. Ethan’s mantle has become a symbol of hope for his nation. After over two years of spearheading his mission against the crime and injustice that has ruled over Crown City for so long, his mission is finally nearing its end. It is now the final weeks of the nation’s revolution against the corrupt regime. With their backs against the wall, criminals and the corrupt establishment fight harder than ever, forcing a worn out Ethan to stretch thin.
But every burden takes its toll. The more that Ethan wages his war on countless fronts, the more he begins to lose himself to it. However, unbeknownst to Ethan everything is not as it seems. From the shadows, a darker game is afoot that threatens to destroy everything Ethan holds dear.
After the events of DARK GUARDIAN: A NEW DAWN, the world is changing. Following his deadly battle with Vixen's army, Ethan Daniels was ousted as The Guardian and has temporarily passed the vigilante's mantle to William. Ethan now hunts down his creator and the monster of his nightmares: Daken. In his quest, Ethan will travel to nearly every corner of the globe and is led from one vicious encounter to the next. Meanwhile, William is confronted with problems of his own in Crown City as an assassin arrives to unsettle the peace Ethan and William fought so hard to establish.
However, unknown to Ethan and William, all their efforts are playing right into the hands of Daken. The monster's endgame is here at last. The fate of the world hangs in the balance, and the only one with the power to stop it is The Guardian. One way or another, Ethan’s journey will meet its end as he finally comes face-to-face with his destiny. Heroes will rise to legends as The Guardian charges into the greatest battle he will ever face.
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